UV glass

UV Glass

Ultraviolet light (UV light) is both useful and harmful. Therefore, there is both glass that protects against UV light and glass that ensures that as much UV light as possible penetrates through. Mirit Glas manufactures glass for all kinds of UV light solutions.

Typically, when you want to protect yourself from UV light, you use a solution with laminated glass. If, on the other hand, you want to make a solution that requires as much ultraviolet light as possible to transmit through the glass, you use quartz glass, made from pure quartz sand.

The most common definition of UV light is light in the spectrum from 100 to 400nm (nanometers). There is also extreme UV light, which lies between 21 and 121 nm (nanometers).
Mirit Glas sells glass that can be used in both simple and more advanced UV solutions.

An example of a solution where Mirit Glas supplies glass could be a UV disinfection solution. In such a solution, quartz glass is typically used to protect the UV bulbs in the disinfection chamber. While laminated glass makes it possible to see into the disinfection chamber from the outside, because the laminated glass prevents the harmful UV rays from shining through and onto the employees monitoring the system.

Do you want to know more about what we can offer? Then contact Mirit Glas and get an offer for exactly the type of glass to be used in your UV solution.

UV glass is an ambiguous word, which is used both for glass that protects against UV rays and for glass that allows as much UV light as possible to transmit through the glass.

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