Glass products A-Z

Glass Terms and Concepts from A to Z

Mirit Glas are experts in the manufacture and processing of specialty glass for business and industry. With a history dating back to 1953, we understand that many different words are used for glass – depending on the industry, function, and area of application.

In this glossary, we have compiled a number of special words and expressions used in connection with glass in the industry and business world.

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  • Anti-reflective glass

    Anti-reflective glass, or anti-glare glass, is glass that reduces reflections on the surface. It can be beneficial in many situations where reflections are unwanted, such as on screens in environments with various light sources or in museums. Mirit Glass works with two types of glass when reducing reflections is necessary: 1: Coated anti-reflective glass, which reduces light reflection by having a coating on top of the glass. 2: Etched anti-glare glass, where the glass is finely etched to prevent reflection, making it more scratch-resistant than the coated type
  • Appliance glass

    Appliance glass is a term primarily used in industrial contexts for glass that protects screens on machines. It can range from glass for ATM-machines to overview screens on industrial machinery. This is the type of glass we refer to as display glass.

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