Low-iron glass

Low-iron glass provides slightly more transmission and is more clear than normal glass

Low-iron glass has a higher light transmission and UV transmission than ordinary glass, due to a lower iron content (iron oxide). The low-iron glass is versatile and the glass is used everywhere from the solar industry to the design industry. The iron content of ordinary glass creates a faint green tone, which is clearly visible when looking at the glass from the side. Low-iron glass is more neutral in color.

Mirit Glas offers different types of processing of glass. If you are interested in further information about the type of glass and how it may be the right solution for you, you are welcome to contact us.

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Properties of the glass

The solar industry uses this type of glass to achieve a better light transmission on solar panels, as the low iron content allows a higher light transmission.
Unlike ordinary glass, low-iron glass transmits a small amount of UV-B rays (While you cannot get tanned through ordinary glass, low-iron glass will give you a small tan).

The design industry uses low-ironglass, because it is optimal when printing colors on glass. Because the glass is almost color neutral, the result ends up with just the right colour tone If, on the other hand, you print white color on ordinary glass, for example, the result is a faint greenish tinge.

Low-iron glass is produced in thicknesses from 2 to 19 mm. The green color difference is more visible the thicker the glass, and if you look at the glass from the side, there is no doubt. Some prefer the greenish tint, while others want to avoid it – Mirit Glas can happily offer both varieties.

Optiwhite, Ultrawhite and Starphire Diamant glass

Low-iron glass is known under many names. The glass is also called Optiwhite glass, Diamond glass, Extra clear glass, Ultrawhite and Starphire, among other things. Applicable to all of them is the lower iron content (Fe203), which gives a clearer glass.

Almindeligt floatglas
Jernfattigt glas

Mirit Glas can process low-iron glass in a number of different ways:

  • Customized shape and notches, drilling
  • Edging – from rough to polished finish
  • Sandblasting
  • UV- activated glue (UV- glueing)
  • Paint
  • Screen printing
  • Thermal tempering.
  • Chemically strengthening
  • Bending
  • Lamination

You are welcome to contact us for more information at post@mirit.dk or +45 44 94 44 49.

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We have the glass to bring your ideas to life

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